Monday, March 2, 2015

Basket case to Legacy

 Don’t give up! Even Moses was once a basket case.

Oh good.” I thought to myself. “If Moses didn’t always have it together, and he did great things, then maybe there is hope for me!

Later that evening I wrote in my journal:
Friday November 7, 2014
I saw a sign earlier today, in front of the Baptist church around the corner, about Moses being a basket case once- I might have a chance.

I want to lead a life that will affect generations, and leave a meaningful heritage behind me. All the time I think about future generations and what I want them to know about me. I write openly in my journal about my struggles and feelings because I want what I am going through to be helpful to my children, and their children, and beyond.

LEGACY! I want to leave a legacy.

My search for knowledge on how to make my life matter began! It wasn’t until quite a few months later I stumbled across PAiLS by Chris Brady. In the blurb, on the inside cover, it reads, “… this delightful little book, provides a fresh approach to finding meaning in your life- before it’s too late! … Providing clear constructs to use in determining direction. … and how even your mistakes should take you higher.”

Perfect! This was exactly what I was looking for.

                                                         ·         I wanted to find meaning.
·         I needed help determining direction.
·         And I was bound to make mistakes.
I was sold!

Now you may be thinking ... What does a pail have to do with building a legacy?! Well don’t you fret because I will tell you.

PAiLS = Potential and Actualization into Legacy and Spillage

For visualization purposes...
Potential: “a present but not visible excellence or ability that may or may not be developed.”
(I stole this definition from The P.I.L.O.T. Method, because I love it! page 18.)
Actualization: “The living out of our potential in the present moment.”
Legacy: “The sum total of all our actualizations. The product of what we do with our lives.”
Spillage: “The lost or wasted potential.”

As Chris Brady says in his book, we “are not done leaving [our] legacy until the last drop of [our] potential has poured from [our] pail.” I was done spilling my potential. I am dedicated to leaving a more meaningful legacy for those who come after me, and thanks to PAiLS I have a much better idea of how to do that!

President Monson said in the April 2012 General Conference, “Life by the yard is hard; inch by inch it’s a cinch. Each of us can be true for just one day- and then one more and then one more after that- until we have lived a lifetime guided by the Spirit, and lifetime close to the Lord, a lifetime of good deeds and righteousness.” In PAiLS, Chris Brady writes, “Our lives are monuments built one second at a time.”

We all have excellence inside of us, all we need to do is develop it- ONE second at a time.

PAiLS ends in a question that I pose to you…

20 years from now what will you wish you had done today?

(You can find the book here)

Friday, August 15, 2014

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The story behind "Sandwich-Making Mommy"

My day started out like any other, waking to the sound of little feet sneaking their way into my bedroom.  Lily and Samuel’s smiling faces inches away from mine, startle me when I open my heavy eyes.  In his quiet, but excited, voice Samuel says, “It’s morning time Mommy!  Wake UP!”  And Lily chimes in with, "Hungry.  Hungry, Mommy."  I roll out of bed, still slightly exhausted and make a quick breakfast.  After breakfast, we spend a few precious moments with Daddy before he has to leave for work.

All three kids and I play together.  We roll balls back and forth, read books, make Abram smile and giggle, and while we watch Frozen we sing along and dance to all the songs.  I notice it is already lunch time, and after lunch come naps.  As I check up on each sleeping child I feel a touch of sadness at how quickly my days are passing, and how fast my children are growing.  But I am still thankful for nap time.

Time is short before Lily wakes.  Of course, she can’t play alone, so she wakes her sleeping brother to play with her.  And just like that, the quiet is gone, and the laughter and squabbling of children can be heard once again.  Abram wakes happy, but by the time Daddy comes home he is sobbing inconsolably, and Samuel and Lily are desperately wanting my attention.  In the chaos, dinner was forgotten as we rushed out the door to run important errands.

On our drive home- after 11 PM, mind you- Samuel was crying because he was so hungry.  I felt terrible for forgetting dinner!  I promised him I would make him something to eat when we got home.  Comforted he fell asleep before we got home and Daddy carried him and Lily up to the house.  As we walked in, Samuel reminded me that I promised to feed him.

Reassuring him that I hadn’t forgotten, I ask him to sit down at the table while I made him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  He sat so patiently.  Then, as I set his meager meal before him, he turned to me and said, “Mommy.  You are the best sandwich-making mommy ever!!”  I gently kissed his forehead, then I had to turn away so he wouldn’t see my tears, because in that moment I had been feeling like a total failure- for forgetting dinner and not having anything better to feed my son than a PB&J.

More often than not, I am the sandwich-making mommy, for one reason or another, and I am so grateful my kids can love me past my inadequacies.